Espresso Chalet located in Gold Bar, Washington is an iconic stop along the Highway 2 corridor at milepost 36. You may recognize it as the original location of 1987 comedy film Harry and the Hendersons, hence the Bigfoot theme. Sandy and Mark Klein have owned and operated this stand since 1992. Here we are with them on our annual excursion to Leavenworth, WA for the holidays. We look forward to this every year!

Along with locally procured Longbottom coffee, snacks, pastries and bigfoot memorabilia, you can also find sweatshirts and t-shirts memorializing your trip through the cascade mountains. Mark’s designs are a taste of PNW bigfoot and Harry Henderson nostalgia. A must have weather you are local or traveling through.
It’s also the exclusive carrier of my Squatch Chip cookies, made in an exclusive gluten free kitchen. (for an ingredients list click here.) While the espresso bar carries plenty of danishes, bagels and sweet treats, these are your only locally made, gluten free options at the stand.

As someone who “quit gluten” back around 2009 in order to start resolving some health issues I had for years, I understand how difficult it is to eat out much less get some dessert. (It’s also important that you don’t get sick and ruin your long coveted trip through the cascades.)I’ve been to my share of events and restaurants that offered a salad and ice-cream for dessert. People don’t understand and unless it affects them, they simply don’t care. I get it. I’ve been one of those people.
Now as I stand on the other side of the fence, I’ve faced even more challenges as I eliminated other foods from my dietary intake. My immune system was short wiring and attacking itself by reacting to almost anything I ate. I felt downtrodden by culture, depressed and frustrated. I already suffered with chronic migraines, insomnia, constant pain in my joints and muscles and anxiety. I was going to have to find my own answers.
Fast forward to today. I earned a degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and a certification in Holistic Functional Nutrition. I constantly strive to understand how our bodies are affected by nutrition, environment & stress as well as underlying issues like chronic viral infections, parasites and mold. And while I am still on my own healing journey, I feel called to help others the best I can with the resources I have.
I’m passionate about making sure everyone has a seat at the table and that they feel welcome and safe when they sit down to a eat a meal or celebrate a holiday. Life is to be celebrated and enjoyed.
Nurture on friends!
Denise Carrell, FNTP