In my mid forties I felt like I was in the prime of my life. My youngest child was graduating high school, I was in the best shape of my life, I had a job I enjoyed and after the dissolution of a long term unhealthy marriage, and I had found the love of my life. I couldn’t have been happier.

Then I pursued a life long dream that I didn’t think was possible. I enrolled in baking and pastry school. It was a blast, but when you have special allergy needs in a “not special allergy needs environment,” it takes a toll on your wellness. The staff was as accommodating as they could be, but when I graduated, I left feeling constantly fatigued, had an increase in migraines, gained weight and the surge in inflammation made my body constantly ache. It stole my zest for life.
Post graduation I took a job in the baking industry with a company that I had pursued for months. Less than a few hours into the job, I knew that wasn’t the place for me. The owner was a tyrant and I knew something was missing. Paradoxically, the mass production of such sugary and unhealthy products did not feel like something I wanted to contribute to the world.
It felt like my life long dream was not so dreamy and that I was missing something. After a year of research and a downward spiral in health, I found the program I was looking for with the Nutritional Therapy Association. I believe that life should be celebrated and that part of that celebration includes an occasional treat. No one should feel or be left out of a celebration.

Contrary to what one may think, the NTA doesn’t just teach you about the nutritional value of food but how food affects each organ and system in your body. I learned that the foods I had been consuming my whole life weren’t making my body survive, yet alone thrive. Being among like minded seekers brought it all together and make me not feel alone anymore.
I also realized that you don’t have to sacrifice flavor and satiety for nutrition. Every day I like to challenge myself to come up with more nutrient dense versions of your favorite foods. My two worlds came together beautifully and I love to share that passion with you!
I believe a whole foods lifestyle with proper sleep, movement and laughter can make or break someone’s health and/or recovery from illness. When we begin to feed our bodies the nutrients it requires, relief and recovery have a way of brightening our lives back into a new perspective. And that means more exploring, camping and time outdoors!

I choose to see the world through the filter of my faith and believe that God can, and does, use anyone to complete His divine plans.
When I’m not busy working on recipes or learning about anything nutrition related, I am on an outdoor adventure with my husband, hunting down the best coffee shop in town or out taking photos. We love to hike, kayak and chat around the campfire.
I hope you find my content encouraging, educational and nurturing. My recipes include some of my old tried and true favorites as well some comfort food. They are all tailored to be allergy friendly for various dietary protocols and include well sourced ingredients free from oxidative stress and supportive to your body so you can live the life you are called to live.
Please reach out with any questions and kind, productive feedback.

Nurture on friends!