I grew up in rural Pennsylvania on almost 20 acres of land and forest where my tomboy self could live her best life. I spent my time making mud pies, hanging with the boy scouts, fishing and generally doing anything outside. There wasn’t much to do and I had no friends that lived within walking/bike riding distance, but it did give me a hunger to be outdoors, rain or shine.
My maternal Grandparents were our neighbors. I realize now what a blessing that was. If my Grandmother was baking, I was in the kitchen with her. Otherwise, I would beg Mom to whip up a cake or some cookies. Super bonus if I could use my Easy Bake oven! And if the weather was right, I was outside whipping up some mud pies hoping my Mom would come pretend eat them with me.
Was I picky eater?
I never considered myself one but honestly, I probably was. Nothing beat a bowl of rice Krispies for breakfast and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. We bought milk by the half gallon in a glass bottle. And if we ran out, my Grandparents always had extra. I did eat other things sometimes but largely, that was my breakfast and lunch every day. Whoever was serving spaghetti for dinner, got me as a guest, invited or not.
My memories of childhood are quite foggy. In hindsight with so little nutrition to make me function properly, how could it be anything any different. I recall it included a lot of throwing up, falling asleep every time we got in the car, difficulty getting out of bed and struggling to do well in school both academically and socially.
Going to the doctor didn’t produce fruitful results but honestly, I don’t remember going very much, if at all. I hated it and I’m not sure my family could afford it. I always felt like it was a burden to even ask.
Although I struggled in more ways than one, trips to my Grandparents house nearby always “made things better.” They always had cookies, Reese’s peanut butter cups (kept in the fridge), ice-cream and marshmallow fluff with peanut butter ready to top the coveted Ritz crackers. Spaghetti was a regular on the menu and I made SURE I was present for spaghetti night. It wasn’t fancy, but Gram made the best spaghetti.
Fast forward into young adulthood and symptoms did not improve. I embraced being a young wife and Mother, and although I liked to cook, I didn’t venture from what I knew. Frozen salisbury steak, instant mashed potatoes, boxed macaroni and cheese and pasta were regulars on the menu. My energy continued to decline, I started getting chronic migraines, anxiety, depression, brain fog and constant inflammation piled up on top of my already stressed body AND mind.
I was too busy taking care of kids, a house and a marriage to take care of me. I realize now that’s an unhealthy mindset and that taking care of me could have actually made me a better wife and Mother, but that’s what I thought at the time. I think it’s safe to say that I’m not the only person on the planet in this boat. I realize now I entered adulthood in survival mode.
I took a WAY above average amount of NSAIDS on the daily just to feel human and stay awake. That doesn’t come without consequence. I had no one to lean on and those I sought out to help, just…couldn’t or didn’t.
As with most women, my health came crashing down in my 40’s. I had gained weight I couldn’t lose, had severe cystic acne, constant struggles with depression and anxiety, my body ached, I frequently got sinus infections that would last for months and I was taking over the counter migraine medicine nearly every day. My almost 20 year marriage came to an end and I got laid off from a job I loved. I hit rock bottom.
I spent the next couple of years seeking out answers on my own. I became a certified in functional nutrition and I went to school to become a classically trained pastry chef. I realize they are two different ends of the same spectrum but I am passionate about both.
I grew in my relationship with Christ, learned how to care for myself and spent the last few years raising my youngest daughter. I also learned that doing life by myself could be rewarding and exciting.
I pray that the recipes and perspective here offers you some direction and encouragement. Keep an open mind and you’ll be impressed with what is actually true. If you haven’t signed up for my free book recommendations list, please do. It’s a great place to start.
I know nutrition can be a very polarizing subject and I’m not here to sway you to eat one way or another. You have to figure out what is nurturing for your body and if you don’t know what that is, hang in there. You won’t get answers overnight. It’s a journey and it will change as much as your needs change.
Nurture on and dig in!